Best wireless mouse and keyboards
Best wireless mouse and keyboards

We’ve based our best picks on hours spent using each model, banging away on our reviews, surfing the web, and keeping up on social media. There’s no one-size-fits-all keyboard, but our recommendations aim to help you make an informed decision based on you personal needs.

best wireless mouse and keyboards best wireless mouse and keyboards

The wireless keyboards we’ve evaluated range from full-sized desktop models to gaming-centric RGB showcases to ultra-portable options that work with multiple devices. Whatever your preferred style of typing, there’s a wireless keyboard for you. Here at PCWorld, we’ve reviewed plenty of wireless keyboards and we have curated a list of our favorites.

best wireless mouse and keyboards

Looking to free yourself from the cable and finally make the move to a wireless keyboard? Wireless keyboards are not only a great way to eliminate unnecessary desk clutter, but they give you options and flexibility in features that your old wired keyboard couldn’t.

Best wireless mouse and keyboards